The Importance Of Social Security To Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship and self-employment have a significant impact on economic development and innovation. Even though social security systems vary in different countries, self-employed people often don’t get the same level of social protection that workers do, or their benefits are severely restricted.

While extending social protection to the self-employed can be seen as a social justice issue, it can also affect growth and innovation. Giving self-employed people extra social security benefits is a matter of fairness.

On the other hand, protecting entrepreneurs from all social risks can be beneficial. Higher taxes and social contributions could discourage those most likely to contribute to economic growth.

Therefore, keep reading about the importance of getting social security as an entrepreneur. Better social security for the self-employed might encourage more jobless people to face the risks of self-employment and establish their own firms.

The Importance Of Social Security To Entrepreneurs

Benefits Of Social Security To Entrepreneurs

Some may disagree on whether or not all self-employed people want or deserve social security in all its forms. Suppose you’re an entrepreneur motivated by a desire to make money. In that case, you may have a greater tolerance for risk than someone who becomes self-employed because of job loss or unemployment.

Nevertheless, here are some of the benefits you may enjoy from having your social security while being self-employed:

  1. You Can Minimize Taxes Payment

It’s possible to avoid paying Social Security taxes on your monthly benefit check. However, this can be a good idea if you plan to retire or are thinking about getting married. Suppose you have a relatively fixed Social Security benefit. In that case, there are only two ways to get into a tax-free zone: reducing your tax-exempt interest or adjusting your gross income.

Avoiding Social Security taxes can be done by lowering your adjusted gross income. Most people planning on retiring don’t want to liquidate their stocks or take advantage of the tax-free growth of their investments in their retirement accounts.

This strategy doesn’t necessarily involve putting new money into an individual retirement account (IRA). Instead, it can be used to move assets already in a taxable account into a tax-sheltered account.

For instance, if you have a bond and a stock in an IRA, you could sell the bond and buy the stock in the latter. Since this strategy involves transferring capital gains taxes, make sure that you avoid incurring any unnecessary expenses.

Meanwhile, note that most people get their Social Security cards after becoming new parents. It’s essential to keep it secure throughout your lifetime since it never expires. To get a new Social Security card, you need to change your name on the card. This process of changing the name on your social security card is straightforward.

People who are new to Social Security planning should review their benefits statements on a regular basis to ensure that the amount of Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) taxes they paid is reflected in their calculations. Doing so can help minimize taxes and deliver thousands more in benefits.

  1. Social Security Secures Your Retirement Savings

As an entrepreneur, Social Security can play a huge role in your retirement. Understanding its impact on your business and personal life can help you make better decisions regarding saving for retirement.

This example shows how much a monthly Social Security benefit would be for someone who started claiming this year. If you worked for an average of USD$800 a month and are at full retirement age, you’ll have a monthly benefit payment of USD$720.

Therefore, if you have a hard time saving for retirement, paying as much into Social Security as possible may be the solution. However, it’s essential to realize that you should start taking responsibility for your future retirement.

  1. Control Your Social Contribution For Your Desired Retirement Saving

Most people don’t fully understand how valuable Social Security benefits are. In most cases, people with a strong work history will receive over USD$1 million in benefits over their lifetimes. For example, a couple that gets a monthly use of $4,000 would need a retirement nest egg of approximately $1,600,000 to reach their ideal income level.

As an entrepreneur, you’ll be required to pay into Social Security through various means. One of these is through an S corporation. The S corporation allows you to control how much of your taxes you pay and how much of your Social Security benefits you receive.

Even if your business doesn’t perform well or is only occasionally used, earning Social Security credits isn’t hard if you work hard and earn enough. These methods will help lower your tax liability and get you the work credits you need. They’ll also take into account your earnings.

Understand Social Security Better

Social Security taxes are taken out of your wages if you work for someone else. There’ll be a 6.2% Social Security tax rate in 2022, plus a 1.45% Medicare tax. You may calculate the amount of money that will go to Social Security in 2022 by multiplying your yearly earnings by USD$147,000. This is the maximum amount of social security taxes that a person will pay.

Additionally, your company will submit your Social Security earnings to the government and match that amount throughout the year. When you reach retirement age or become incapacitated, your future Social Security benefit payments are calculated based on your past Social Security earnings and tax credits.

As a self-employed person, you’re required to contribute to Social Security as both an employee and an employer. Instead of keeping Social Security taxes withheld from their regular paychecks, many self-employed people pay all the taxes they’re required to pay when they file their annual federal income tax returns.

The Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) Schedule SE (Form 1040) allows you to report your business’s earnings and losses on a tax-free basis. It also helps the government determine the Social Security benefits you’ll be entitled to later. Although it’s possible to avoid paying taxes on both the employee and the employer’s tax portion, this isn’t always the case.


It’s possible that entrepreneurs aren’t thrilled with being shielded from all social hazards. Increased bureaucracy and higher taxes or social contributions as a result of the expansion of social security can deter risk-taking entrepreneurs who make a significant contribution.

However, regardless of whether you’re self-employed or employed by a company, your Social Security benefits remain the same. Self-employed entrepreneurs can collect Social Security benefits based on their labor credits and earnings just like employees.

Francis Nwokike

Francis Nwokike is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Total Entrepreneurs. A Social Entrepreneur and experienced Disaster Manager. He loves researching and discussing business trends and providing startups with valuable insights into running a profitable business. He created TTE to share ideas and tips to help entrepreneurs run and grow their businesses.