Navigating Career Transitions: Empowering Professional Evolution

Leadership narrative

The 21st century has marked a rapid job-changing landscape where career transitions are becoming more common than they have ever been. Whether you’re switching industries, seeking new challenges, learning a new skill, it’s important to know what your next step is.

Stepping into a new career can be quite interesting, but the whole point is to understand your motivations and assess your skills. They’ll be the compass and map that will guide you throughout the journey.

In this article, we’ll dive deeper into learning more about your career transitions and empowering your professional evolution.

Identify your strengths and weaknesses

These aren’t only skills that you have acquired, but also qualities that make you better at what you do. Your personal skills and values are never the same as someone else’s, and that’s what makes you unique.

If you want to identify your strengths and weaknesses, here’s what you can do:

  • Take a look back on all your previous experiences: Think about your work, hobbies, school, and activities where you’ve been successful and what you’ve achieved. Take note of your achievements and setbacks, then ask yourself what strengths leaned you towards success.
  • Take self-assessments: There are plenty of self-assessments you can take. A good personality test would be the Myers-Briggs Test. It’s an excellent way to gain understanding of your personal values.
  • Monitor your progress: Write down where you can track your progress and the changes you can make. Identify all your successes and failures, and which skills or approaches are helping you towards better outcomes.
  • Accept criticism: Accepting criticism is an important step to increasing self-awareness. Ask for feedback at all times and see where you can make improvements.

Knowing what you are good at and where you can make improvements is an opportunity to gain insight to your unique qualities. After all, your professional career is built on improvement.

Write a good resume


Regardless if you are switching your career, applying to a new job, or looking for another part-time job, your resume needs to be at the top of its game. Unlike before, you can now get ready-made templates to help you write a resume, or even create a resume through an AI tool.

Before you do anything on your resume, it’s important to write a good summary, which includes everything you will mention in short.

Most AI tools will now serve as your resume summary writer and can help you get more interviews, depending on what you are aiming for. However, it’s important to ensure that you have the following covered when writing your summary:

  • Study the job description 
  • Highlight your current occupations
  • Reference your work 
  • Emphasis on your technical skills
  • Mention key achievements 

A LinkedIn study shows that 72% of hiring managers will most likely hire someone that has a well-written summary compared to those that don’t. 

Other than that, the other key elements of writing a good resume include:

  • Your personal information
  • Objective
  • Education
  • Work and related experience
  • Awards and honors
  • Activities/hobbies
  • Skills
  • References

After you’re done with your resume, make sure to go through this checklist and see if you added all the essential information.

Use performance appraisal phrases in your resume

Performance appraisals are great to use in your resume. You can either create them on your own, or even ask for them from your past employers whenever you are applying to a new job, looking for a second job, or even switching careers.

To get a good idea of effective phrases for performance appraisals, we are going to show you a list of each categories:

  • Phrases for communication and interpersonal skills: Excellent communicator, both verbal and written, demonstrates a high level of listening skills, builds strong relationships with team members, can effectively handle stress, fosters a positive work environment.
  • Phrases for time management skills: Can effectively manage time and prioritize tasks, able to multitask, completes tasks ahead of schedule, and effectively manages workloads.
  • Phrases for leadership and attendance: Has outstanding attendance and punctuality, demonstrates strong commitment at the workplace, has strong decision-making skills, provides constructive feedback to team members.
  • Phrases for performance evaluation: Exceeds performance expectations, can effectively achieve goals and targets, and delivers high-quality work at all times.

If you want to get an idea of how to construct your own phrases, you can follow the Action + Task + Impact formula. This means to initially begin with an action verb, name the project or work you did, and finish with an impact.

Build up your network on LinkedIn


Having a large network is important for evolving in your professional career. More importantly, when you want to switch careers, contacts can help you get started.

To build up your network, you can do so in many ways that include attending industry events, engaging with professionals directly on social media channels like LinkedIn, and even joining professional associations.

It’s now easier than it has ever been, since you can simply build your own network on B2B social media channels like LinkedIn. More than 700 million users are currently using LinkedIn. The platform can be used for different reasons and not to only apply for a job.

Just like any other social media platform, LinkedIn can also directly communicate with other professionals and even create engaging content that can help you build up your network. If you are looking for a career transition, building your network up on LinkedIn is one of the easiest ways to do so.

Let’s not forget that you can create a post that you are looking for a new career, and you’ll have people contacting you soon. Also, if you use LinkedIn’s job search, you have many advanced filters you can use to find the right career for you.

Develop your skills

Transitioning careers requires you to be motivated enough to learn new skills and have a goal-related mindset. Before you switch to a new career, it’s always a good idea to start a learning program that can help you be better prepared for your transition, but here are a few steps to follow first:

  • Know your goals: You need to know your goals before you choose to learn any new skill. Are you looking for formal qualifications, a certificate of completion, or what else? Are you someone who prefers instructor-led courses, or self-paced courses? Are you an active or passive learner? It’s important to answer all of these questions before searching for your learning program.
  • Find reputable courses: Once your goals are defined, start searching for online courses that match them. There are plenty of platforms that offer online learning, such as Udemy, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, Skillshare, etc. Keep in mind that not all courses will be the same, and sometimes, paid courses might be a better alternative to go with, but of course, try the free ones first.
  • Check on your budget: How much time and money are you willing to spend in learning a new skill, or upskilling? It’s important to know as this helps you choose which learning program is the right choice for you.

Whether it includes learning a new skill, or becoming better at what you do, the primary goal of online learning is to apply your skills to your work and personal projects.

Embrace a growth mindset

Growth mindset

No matter how many steps you follow, if you don’t have a growth mindset, nothing will help you. A career transition is not only about changing your job, but making sure that you undergo professional and personal growth. Therefore, it’s important to embrace a growth mindset that helps you view challenges as opportunities for learning and development.

Setbacks are a natural part of any journey, and it’s in your hands to evolve and adapt. Cultivate a positive outlook, focus on continuously learning, and be open and flexible to new experiences. This type of mindset is what helps you pull forward in your career.

Transitioning careers has never been so easy

Transitioning to a new career is a courageous journey that not only involves learning a new skill, building your network, writing a good resume, and even getting appraisal from your past employers, but it also has to do with self-discovery.

Always remember that your past doesn’t define your future, and each new step you take towards your new career is a testament of your capacity and strength for a positive change. Therefore, do what you can, learn as much as you can, build your network, write a good CV, and always continue in doing better!

Francis Nwokike

Francis Nwokike is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Total Entrepreneurs. A Social Entrepreneur and experienced Disaster Manager. He loves researching and discussing business trends and providing startups with valuable insights into running a profitable business. He created TTE to share ideas and tips to help entrepreneurs run and grow their businesses.

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