6 Key Tips for Deciding on Your Child’s Name

Key Tips for Deciding on Your Child’s Name

For a soon-to-be parent, there are few decisions as important as the name for your child or children. Many parents go back and forth on a choice of name and often decide on a few options, sometimes for both male and female if they are keeping that a surprise. However, some parents struggle with landing on the perfect name for their child considering the many options out there. To that end, learning the importance of choosing a name along with beneficial tips for making that choice is the best way to go about it.

How Important is the Choice of Name?

While some people believe that the choice of a child’s name doesn’t actually truly mean anything, they would be mistaken. Based on studies conducted on the choice of a name, it was found that the name a person is given at birth can influence everything in their life, including their search for friends or romantic partners.

On top of this, a person’s name can even impact a person’s choice of career and the success they have in that career. While a person’s success is still their own to make, the fact that a name can influence, even to the smallest degree, this factor goes to show how powerful the decision is.

6 Tips for Choosing Your Child’s Name

Considering the above, it’s only natural to want to find the best way to name your child so that they can have a better chance at success in life. To that end, utilize each of the following tips for deciding on a name for your child:

1. Avoid naming them off a passing trend

First and foremost, too many parents find themselves naming their child off of a passing trend, such as naming them after an influencer. At the end of the day, a simple name such as Charles Miller will be in style for far longer than an “out of left field” name that doesn’t have real meaning.

2. Look to your family tree for inspiration

A person’s family tree is a great source of inspiration for a new family member and can help a person choose a name that has a large amount of personal meaning. Look to see if there are any names from past generations in your family that jump out and, assuming they are an older style, see if you can adjust the names to be more modern.

3. Check what the initials will look like

Oftentimes, parents forget to check what a child’s initials will look like when they are given a name which can make for some awkward encounters depending on their surname. As a new parent, don’t forget to take the important step of checking to see what this combination will look like so that your child isn’t ridiculed early on in life.

4. Consider existing names of friends and family

Similar to looking at the family tree, consider the names of your current friends and family. You don’t necessarily need to name your child after someone you know but use their names for inspiration to see if you like the sound of any of them for your own kid(s).

5. Research the meaning behind certain names

All names have meaning and some even have double meanings depending on where they originate from. For those who can’t seem to decide on a name, consider looking up the meanings associated with common names to see if one starts to jump out at you. This can then be used to guide your search for a forename.

6. Look at popularity trends for the name

Everybody wants their child to have a popular name, yet not one that is so popular it is heard everywhere they go. Ideally, a name will be popular enough that it is always in style, yet never overused. To pick a name that fits this criteria, take a look at popularity trends for names and see if one you are considering is on the list.

Choose the best name for your child

As mentioned, there are few decisions for new parents as hard as determining the name for a child that is on the way. However, using all of the above tips can give anyone the ability to narrow down their choice to a few solid options. Always remember that, at the end of the day, there is no such thing as a bad name. So long as the name has meaning for you, it is an excellent choice for your child.

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