Channel Letter Signs Explained

Are you an ambitious entrepreneur looking for methods to differentiate yourself from the competition? Have you noticed the benefits of channel letter business signage for your brand? Channel letter signs are an excellent approach to attracting customers, identifying yourself, and establishing yourself in a congested field.

Investing in a high-quality sign with correctly displayed channel letters might be precisely what your business needs, whether you are establishing a shop or simply need that additional touch that is guaranteed to catch attention and make potential consumers take note.

In this article, we will go over all of the possibilities that come with using channel letters correctly, outlining how they may benefit any size business while also helping it stand out.

What is a Channel Letter sign?

A channel letter sign is a three-dimensional graphic element with its own structure and lighting. A channel letter is any letter, number, or other character that, when joined with other-like characters, forms a sign presentation.

Channel Letter Signs

Aluminum sheets and acrylic are used to create each letter. Channel letter signs are extremely versatile and may be created in a broad range of fonts, colors, and sizes.

The Parts of a Channel Letter Sign

Channel letters are usually made from three main parts and two smaller components. Let’s take a look at each of these parts and how each one is made.

Face: The face of a conventional or front-lit channel letter is constructed of 3/16″ thick colorfast acrylic sheets that are cut to form with a CNC or multicam router. Acrylic sheeting comes in a number of colors and may be tailored to a larger range of available colors by using high-quality transparent vinyl or perforated vinyl. A channel letter’s acrylic face is joined to the channel letter “can” with a “trim cap.”

Trim Cap: A UV-stable, earth-friendly, very durable plastic extruded around aluminum foil is used to join the acrylic channel letter face to the channel letter body. A liquid bonding solution “welds” the trim cap to the acrylic channel letter face. The face is now ready to be linked to the channel letter’s body.

Return: The inside of a channel letter is referred to as the “return.” The depth of the return for normal front-lit channel letters is commonly 3″, 5″, or 8″ and may be defined either in the Sign Criteria of your Lease Agreement or in local city/county legislation. Returns are formed into the right character using computer-driven bending devices. The metal sheeting used to make channel letters comes in a range of basic colors, or it may be custom-painted with your choice of PMS or other color-match hues.

Backs: A channel letter’s back is made of router-cut aluminum sheets in a number of thicknesses, including .040, .063, and .090.

Light Source: Channel letters are available in both lit and non-illuminated versions. Almost all internally-illuminated channel letters are now constructed using LED illumination, resulting in substantial energy cost reductions over neon illumination solutions that were formerly employed.

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