Should You Start a Business to Pay off Your Student Loans?

Is it possible to start a business to pay off your student loans? Oh, yes, you can! Should you go ahead with it? To properly answer that question, you will need to consider several factors to know if it fits your current situation. 

With that said, let’s go through everything you need to know to make an informed decision. 

Should You Start a Business to Pay off Your Student Loans?

Be Brutally Honest With Yourself 

Positive thinking is great. It will play a considerable role in your life should you decide to start your business. However, you need to understand that your student loan debt crisis is not going away anytime soon. And your new business is not a sure certainty. 

That is why you need to look at the following before you open your doors carefully. 

Review Your Student Loan Options 

It can be a daunting process if you start your business and make your student loan payments simultaneously. Fortunately, numerous student loan lenders, primarily federal loan providers, offer income-based repayment plans to help you. 

Federal student loans offer four repayment programs: REPAYE plan, PAYE plan, IBR plan, and ICR plan. All these plans have their pros and cons, so you will have to go through each of them to find the one that best suits your condition. 

If you have private student loans, your loan lender might offer repayment plans that you can take advantage of. That is if you want to begin your business. If you do not see comparable repayment plans, get in touch with your loan provider if other programs can help you start your business. 

Plan And Assess Your Risk 

You need to have a clear idea of the risks involved in starting a business before you proceed. Owning a business is a huge burden that will cost you sleepless nights, even if you do not have any student loan debts. It is a quick way to say, if you are not ready, do not get involved. 

Higher-risk businesses can result in higher gains and rewards. However,  if you have student loans, you might want to slow down and invest in a less-risky venture as a start. Keep in mind that you will be responsible for paying taxes on top of your startup costs. And most banks are not willing to give you the capital, especially if you have student loan debts. 

So there are lots of analyses and thinking you have to do. You have to review mortgage or rent payments, monthly expenses, food expenses, etc. If you have everything in place and are fully confident, then you can proceed with your business. 


If you have a solid plan, together with discipline and drive, then starting a business may be your easiest route to settling your student loan. Remember that it requires perseverance, dedication, and lots of help from people. If you can take on the pressure and maintain your focus, your business venture can be one of the most financially rewarding experiences in your lifetime. 

In the end, it is all up to you, regardless of how you look at it. We recommend that you get a financial expert or a mentor to help you. 

Francis Nwokike

Francis Nwokike is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Total Entrepreneurs. A Social Entrepreneur and experienced Disaster Manager. He loves researching and discussing business trends and providing startups with valuable insights into running a profitable business. He created TTE to share ideas and tips to help entrepreneurs run and grow their businesses.