Perfecting Your Professional Organizing Business

Let’s face it: there is no way to perfectly organize a business, a home, a garage or a 4-year-old’s bedroom. As long as spaces are used in some fashion, they will become unorganized to a certain degree. However, there is hope for those of us who garner enormous pleasure from sorting and filing on a professional basis. There are surprising ways to perfect your own professional organizing business. Read on to discover just how close to perfection your professional organizing business can become.

First Things First.

If you are in the process of starting your own professional organizing business, there are some initial steps to put into place (And, don’t you love putting steps into place?). To begin, you’ll want to establish your business as a valid business and not merely a hobby. To do so, determine the legal entity of your business, open a business bank account, register your business with the state in which you live, obtain the proper insurance, and fill out the forms to secure a business license. If you do not have a business plan, use this comprehensive guide, how to start an organizing business to establish your mission, objectives, strategies, resources, and other crucial information. File everything in the proper place and then move on to discover how you can successfully scale and grow your professional organizing business.

Learn Revised Tricks and Tips to Advance Your Career in Executive Management, Perfecting Your Professional Organizing Business

1. Perfecting Your Brand Identity

In the professional organizing industry, you’ll want to create a brand that represents you and your services. The brand will contain colors, designs, a tagline, and a logo that are all memorable. You’ll then want to apply that brand to every part of your business, including your apparel, your business documents, your office design, and every component that creates the recognition of who you are and the professional organizing services you can provide.

2. Perfecting Your Marketing Strategy

To begin a strategic approach toward marketing, compile a demographic picture of who your customers could be and what they will possibly want from your professional organizing business. For example, is your customer an executive who doesn’t have time to organize the office? Or, is the customer in great need of organizing several rooms within a home? Answering these questions will allow you to aim your strategies directly at your target market. From there, you’ll want to start building marketing strategies to see which garner the most attention, drive new business and entice former customers to return. The following are proven ways to attract and keep the customers of an organizing business:

3. Perfecting Your Lead Generation

Generate leads via personalized attention to obvious areas of need. Now, I’m not suggesting you will call attention to a mess inside someone’s home. However, with small, practiced comments during many conversations, you can bring your capabilities to the attention of potential customers. Also known as “word-of-mouth,” this strategy relies on the proven track record of those who utilize professional organizers, in that they do not want to sort or organize their own professional or personal items. The word-of-mouth method of marketing can be extremely rewarding in the professional organizing industry, as referrals are highly-regarded and the results of organization are visually appealing.

4. Perfecting Your Social Media Marketing Skills

Within the social media world, there is almost no better post than one that indicates a “before” and “after” set of photos. Using Facebook or Instagram, post photos of organizing triumphs at least 2-3 times per week. The dramatic improvements displayed will generate a high degree of interest and questions from intrigued consumers.

5. Perfecting Your Website and Online Marketing Skills

If your website is a bit bland or less-than-inviting, this is the time to rebuild it by unwrapping your new brand identity, which can now be deeply embedded within the site. Everything about your website should scream “beautiful organization” and bring the audience to your door. This is an excellent time to start a blog about organizing and sharing interesting tips and tricks for readers.

6. Perfecting Your Relationships

No, this isn’t directed to your personal relationships, thankfully. This is a call out to focus on the relationships you already have with former and current clients. Although it’s easy to look past these clients; organizing is one service that calls for more. If one office is organized, it brings attention to the other disorganized offices, for example. For this reason, you’ll want to consider marketing your services on a regular basis to former and current clients. 

As the owner of a professional organizing business, there are a variety of ways in which you can perfect your marketing strategies and business functions. The value of your organizational skills will always be of interest to others and new business will always be ready to explore as you build your business for long-term growth and success.

Francis Nwokike

Francis Nwokike is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Total Entrepreneurs. A Social Entrepreneur and experienced Disaster Manager. He loves researching and discussing business trends and providing startups with valuable insights into running a profitable business. He created TTE to share ideas and tips to help entrepreneurs run and grow their businesses.