How to Write a Business Research Paper

How to Write a Business Research Paper

The preparation of a student in business can take place in different forms. Along with the study of theoretical foundations, independent acquisition of in-depth knowledge is also important – through experiments or practical research.

What is a business research paper?

This is an important part of the educational program at a college or university. A research paper is a project that is independently prepared by a student on a predetermined topic. A research paper is prepared for presentation at a business conference or assessment event and always involves providing a grade.

Types of Research Papers

There are several types of research papers you should know. Here are three main ones:

  • Analytical papers –In this case, a student studies theoretical material, analyze sources, and finds patterns in the chosen topic.
  • Argumentative or persuasive papers – Here, the author independently comes to their own conclusions and makes predictions based on the studied information from the scientific literature.
  • Problem-solution papers –As a result of this type of paper, a practical solution to some issue in the activities of a particular enterprise and organization is obtained. For example, it may be the development of new methods or algorithms for processing business data at a specific company.

Structure and content of a business research paper

The structure is typical for scientific research – a term paper and coursework have a similar composition with minor additions.

Title page

This is the first page of the research paper and contains basic information about the research. It states here:

  • The name of the educational institution where the author of the completed paper is studying. It can be a school, college, or university.
  • Research paper topic.
  • Information about the author – full name.
  • Type of paper.
  • Information about the supervisor or teacher-curator.
  • Year of implementation.


Here is a listing of the structural elements of the research paper (introduction, titles of individual chapters, etc.) with reference to specific page numbers. As in a book, the content of a research paper quickly orients a stranger in the composition of the paper.


Here is a brief overview of the research work done. The recommended volume is 1-2 pages. An introduction should include the following sections.

1. Relevance

It is important for the author of the study to show that the chosen topic is of great scientific and practical importance. The most common formulations will be:

  • The question is relevant due to the fact that many researchers have recently turned to it. For example, it can be the use of technologies in business.
  • The significance of the topic under consideration is determined by its novelty and the lack of developments in this direction. For example, these are programs to simplify business processes.

2. Hypothesis

This is the assumption that the author of the paper formulates. The results of theoretical research (for example, among archival materials) should act as confirmation.

3. Goals and objectives

The author of the research paper must indicate the result for which they strive. Including tasks for research is done in the form of a phased algorithm. First, research is done, and hypotheses are tested; then, the paper is written based on your thesis.

4. Subject and object

It is important to distinguish between these two concepts:

  • An object is a phenomenon or structure as a whole, creating the basis for study. For example, it is a business formation, an individual or legal entity, a business or economic procedure, etc.
  • A subject is a single aspect associated with an object. For example, the object of research may be a company, and the subject may be the business services that it offers.

5. Research methods

This term refers to the methods that will be used by the author of the paper to study the subject. Depending on the specific object and purpose, the options for obtaining the necessary information change. For example, when considering business services that a company offers, an author might:

  • Study the statistics of this organization, determining how many business services are offered. To do this, you will need to contact the specific company with an official letter from the university.
  • Conduct your own survey among the target group of customers, identifying their most significant needs. Here you will need to complete a questionnaire and get answers, for example, using an online survey.

Also read: Benefits of Research and Development for Startups

Main part

Here the topic is fully revealed. The main part can take up to 40 pages and structurally includes the following parts:

  • The first chapter is a review of the literature used, indicating the reasons for choosing these particular sources, their relevance, and their significance for the study.
  • The next parts should reflect the progress of the study. Here the author describes the work that they have done, analyzes methods and results, presents a comparison of them, and builds an argumentation for formulating conclusions.


The recommended length of this part is 3-5 pages. Here you need to present a summary of the study:

  1. Determine the correctness of the formulated hypothesis.
  2. The results of solving the tasks are presented.
  3. Recommendations for their use are given.
  4. Further prospects for studying the topic are considered.

Prepare a research paper considering all the requirements and consult with the supervisor.

Francis Nwokike

Francis Nwokike is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Total Entrepreneurs. A Social Entrepreneur and experienced Disaster Manager. He loves researching and discussing business trends and providing startups with valuable insights into running a profitable business. He created TTE to share ideas and tips to help entrepreneurs run and grow their businesses.

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