Shortcomings of Trust can Be Detrimental to the Dynamic Between Employee-HR Department Relationships

The level of trust between company teams determines the success of that company. An organisation with high levels of trust will be more productive and efficient than one without it.

Employees who feel trusted will not only produce better work but also feel committed to their role within the company, thus enhancing job satisfaction rates.

Shortcomings of Trust can Be Detrimental to the Dynamic Between Employee-HR Department Relationships

One of the primary reasons behind low trust levels between HR and employees is lack of communication. To rectify this, HR departments can use HR systems that offer insights and allow management of employees and their issues. Even so, there is a lot more to do in terms of direct communication.

A recent survey from Cezanne HR emphasises precisely that 1,000 employees of companies with over 250 employees in the UK and Ireland took part in a survey that was focused on how many employees trust their HR teams. From the survey, 32.1% of people trust their HR team more now than before COVID-19, while 54.1% trust them the same, and 13.8% trust them less. You can read the full survey report here:

Why does trust matter?

Trust is an essential element in any business relationship, be it between HR and employees or between two individuals. Trust affects everything from the smooth functioning of a company to how much effort an employee puts into their work or how long they stay with their current employer.

According to the Trust in HR report, employees who trust their companies and HR have 50% higher productivity, 40% less burnout, and take 29% fewer sick days.

So, it is no wonder that there has been a more significant push from many organisations to make sure the image of HR is positive and trustworthy.

Current Disparity of Trust Between HR and Employees

47% of the employees surveyed declared that they do not trust their HR team to resolve any conflicts in the workplace, 31% of the employees do not trust their HR to respect their privacy, and 48% do not trust their HR to inform them of any growth opportunities in the company.

Also, over 50% of the employees think their HR department commits favouritism, out of which 43% of the employees think ‌HR will prefer the senior staff, and 12% of the employees believe ‌HR will favour the junior staff.

Only 45% of employees believe HR will act unbiasedly, which is also an issue, leading to distrust in HR. Biasness and favouritism in any business can discourage deserving talent.

Over 1/3 of employees from the survey feel ‌it is nearly impossible to get any help from their HR or are not comfortable talking about their problems in the workplace with HR.

This is especially true given the sensitive nature of pay discussions, harassment complaints, and other complex issues which may be too uncomfortable to have face-to-face conversations about.

Effects of COVID-19

COVID-19 has caused considerable changes in the workplace. It also has affected how HR interacts with its employees. HR managers are increasingly working to maintain trust between themselves and their employees.

These past few years, there have been considerable changes in the workplace, which has had a direct effect on how HR professionals engage with their teams.

32% of employees say they trust HR more now than they did before the pandemic. Even though the trust in HR has increased, there are still many things that need to be worked on as most of the world is almost in the post COVID stage, which is why HR has to work extra hard to gain the trust of its employees and to make them feel welcomed in the workplaces.

What Lies Ahead in the Future?

Due to COVID-19, there has been a significant shift in our lives. We have seen new technology and innovations to help us in our professional life. These innovations haven’t just changed what we do; they’ve changed who we are.

They’ve taken away much of our privacy, increased the chances of us being observed by others, and sometimes, made our behaviour more public than ever before.

Over the last few years, the increase of data breaches has given many people a deep distrust in businesses that collect their data, even if they promise they will keep it safe.

With this distrust, more and more people are choosing to be more conscientious and careful with their data. This is affecting how HR operates and interacts with employees.

About 31% of the survey respondents said they don’t trust HR teams to keep their stuff confidential. This means HR teams need to be even more aware of how they handle privacy in the workplace.


To make the workplace a place where everyone wants to work, it is essential for HR to understand that they need to regain trust with their employees.

This is not only good for employee morale, but it also helps companies grow and develop.

It has been established that a happy employee is a more productive one, and good HR practices can be the first step towards achieving this goal.

Francis Nwokike

Francis Nwokike is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Total Entrepreneurs. A Social Entrepreneur and experienced Disaster Manager. He loves researching and discussing business trends and providing startups with valuable insights into running a profitable business. He created TTE to share ideas and tips to help entrepreneurs run and grow their businesses.