Designing an Effective Tool Suite for Your Online Business

Running an online business can be exceptionally lucrative. Even if you’ve got a brick-and-mortar store, ignoring the online component could drastically reduce long-term operational sustainability. More people use mobile devices to access the web than traditional internet portals like desktops today. Most folks would rather order something online.

Going with a 100% online store can be a worthwhile option. If you’ve got a store, you should get yourself established online, too. Either way, you’ll need a few basic tools. In this writing, we’ll briefly examine three key tools foundational to your online tool stack for effective operations.

1. An Effective Content Management System, Like WordPress

WordPress started out as a blogging site but has transitioned into one of the most effective Content Management Systems (CMS) on the market. You need some sort of CMS solution like this to keep all of your marketing outreach organized. Many blog posts can be recirculated multiple times.

Figure out what kind of content you’ll be producing on a regular basis, and how much of it there will be. Consultation can help. Additionally, consultation can help you find which CMS strategies will best fit your online operation. Finding a good option for your tool stack is key in maximizing your visibility, traffic, and sales.

Also, read how to start a Profitable blog.

2. Domain Names Hosting Options, Like A Virtual Private Server

The domain name of your business needs to direct people to a reliable site. You can host through certain consumer options intended more for individuals than businesses. These can serve you well until you start to gain some traction. At that point, you’ll want to look into something a little higher “caliber”, as it were.

In this area, many businesses seek VPS options. A Virtual Private Server can have a domain name attached to it. Additionally, there are other uses for such solutions, and they’re generally quite affordable. As a point of reference, check out Microsoft’s offering on this website.

3. Email Marketing Management Options

Email marketing is quite effective when done right. As with managing content, you need to manage your clientele, and the messages you send them. Options like Convertkit can help you effectively design email marketing strategies. Customer Relationship Management or CRM software helps you automate outreach using such options.


Such tools allow for the necessary collection of data and expanded consolidation of effective outreach techniques as a result. Information is much like currency today, and the more relevant data you can put toward your operation, the more profit you’ll make. Whether you need CRM or an email marketing management strategy, you will in some degree depend on the scope of your business, and what sort of clientele you have.

That said, if you’re successful at all, you’re going to have to scale out; and many SMBs need such options right out the gate. Even if you’re starting from a relatively humble place, email marketing, and CRM solutions are worth incorporating into the tool stack you use to maintain your online business.

Designing an Effective Tool Suite for Your Online Business

Giving Your Online Business A Firm Foundation

Cloud computing, mobile internet interface, technological expansion, and consumer trends are all pushing the influence of the internet. An online business can be quite successful today, and it’s evident modern economies are increasingly embracing this trend. Even if you’ve got a brick-and-mortar store, you want to have some online presence.

In order to maximize that online presence, you need the right tools for the job. Constructing a tool stack of the right tools is essential for this outcome. Consultation can help you determine which tools you do need, and which ones you don’t. At a basic level, content management, email management, and hosting options will likely be very necessary for your business.

Francis Nwokike

Francis Nwokike is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Total Entrepreneurs. A Social Entrepreneur and experienced Disaster Manager. He loves researching and discussing business trends and providing startups with valuable insights into running a profitable business. He created TTE to share ideas and tips to help entrepreneurs run and grow their businesses.