Fashion Affiliate Programs: The Fashion Bloggers’ Secret Money Machine

Ever wonder how fashion bloggers earn recurring big money online? It’s simply through Fashion Affiliate Programs.

You know… making money online is about being attentive enough to see and ready to grab opportunities before they’re lost.

Once you fail at this as a blogger, you’ll continuously throw money away at gurus and experts (the attentive and quick bloggers) to get them to monetize your blog through affiliate marketing and Ads.

But if you’re ready to do it yourself and start generating recurring income from your fashion niche blog, these are the highest paying fashion affiliate programs gurus are hiding from you.

Top Converting and High Paying Fashion Affiliate Programs to Promote

1. ShopStyle Collective

ShopStyle Collective Fashion Affiliate Program

Most fashion businesses do not manage their affiliate programs but rather pay popular affiliate networks like ShopsStyle Collective to do it.

This way, they are quickly connected to millions of available seasoned affiliate marketers and are able to kick off their shoulders the workload and heavy budget of affiliate program management.

That’s why it is impossible to know if a fashion business brand run an affiliate program from their website or not. And that’s why you’re missing out on all the top paying fashion affiliate offers with good commissions.

But if you could become a ShopStyle Collective Affiliate now (it takes a few minutes to register here), they would give you instant access to each affiliate program available in the fashion industry.

This way, you overcome the trouble of random registration. You also manage every brand you promote on a single dashboard while receiving full affiliate marketing supports from ShopStyle.

Some of the supports you’re given include:

  1. Social shopping widgets for your Instagram page and Pinterest.
  2. Add-on like LinkIt for creating marketing content directly from retailers’ stores. And Favorites that alert your referrals through mail the rise and drop in the product price.
  3. A dashboard of comprehensive metrics to stay abreast and keep track of your marketing efforts.
  4. Connection with influencers and seasoned affiliate marketers on the ShopStyle Collective community.

To top this off, Shopstyle Collective networks only work with clothing affiliate programs that are worth your efforts in terms of ROI with commissions between the range of 16%-30% per sale. So be rest assured of promoting products that sell and brands that pay you good money on a PPA (Pay per action) system.

2. ZAFUL Accessories and Fashion Apparel Shop’s Affiliate Program

Zaful Fashion Affiliate program

ZAFUL is a class-leading brand of the most sought after accessories and the best selling modern apparels globally.

The Fashion shop pays attention and efforts to succeed where most stores are failing, and therefore is largely known for 24/7 quality customer support, and a good delivery service.

These altogether continuously contribute to the rapid growth of their customers and of course their sales.

Once you join ZAFUL affiliate program via their affiliate manager Firstgrabber, you receive an instant signup token as a welcome bonus from the 5 year old brand which was the 34th among the top 50 fashion stores nominated by Brandz.

Needless to say, ZAFUL is recognized in over 180 countries with quality products which upon promotion earns you up to 30% commission per sale.

As an affiliate, you receive payment through PayPal, WebMoney, and local banks. Plus you’re supported with marketing tools like:

  1. Promotional banners
  2. Text-links
  3. Coupons
  4. Special limited offers

Join Zaful Affiliate Program

3. RoseGal

rosegal fashion house

RoseGal is a one-stop shop for women especially the plus size women who are trying hard to not miss out on clothing and accessories that bring the fulfillment they want from the kind of sexy, romantic, and leisure lifestyle enjoyed by every other woman.

The online store has an intuitive interface doubled with auto-responder to guide shoppers through for an optimum shopping satisfaction.

And the thing is, RoseGal affiliate partnership is easy. An easy-to-join program with easy-to-promote products.

Don’t have a website of your own? Or prolly you’ve more traffic coming from your social media page than your site? You can still promote RoseGal’s dresses, lingerie, swimwear, shoes and bags and all that, through your social media handles and earn 30% commission as a passive income on every product purchased through a dedicated affiliate link given to you immediately after you signup for RoseGal affiliate program. As Zaful, Rosegal is also managed by Firstgrabber. Just visit the Firstgrabber site and choose the fashion affiliate program you wish to promote. Who says you can’t work with the three (3) available.

As an influencer, agency, or an individual, your marketing strategies are supported with:

  1. Unlimited coupons
  2. Customer trigger targeted banners that are updated regularly to meet up with trends
  3. Exclusive offers irresistible to your audience
  4. Newsletters to keep you updated on hottest offers and to enlighten you with insiders tricks and tips for more sales.

Join Rosegal Affiliate Program


new chic affiliate program

NewChic promises to make buyers look good for less with their mouth-watering discount offers making them a run to fashion website for buyers locally and internationally.

If you are fashion inclined or running a fashion blog, I can bet you have seen Google Ads about NewChic on your platform or blogs you visit. They promote their brand and this is an advantage to affiliate marketers cos to most of the people you’ll be referring NewChic to, it won’t be much work convincing them to actually check them out.

Another big plus to NewChic is the NEWCHIC Blogger Program. This one will excite you. Here it is… If you run a fashion blog with a minimum of 1000 followers on Bloglovin or you have at least 5,000 followers on any of your social networking accounts (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Lookbook, etc) then you’re in for a free monthly cloth.

All you have to do is sign up to the NEWCHIC Blogger Program, then email NewChic (bl*****@ne*****.com) introducing yourself with links to your social networking account(s) and you could get free clothing worth US$30 to US$300 every month to review and write about.

The Fashion website also ship worldwide, track items shipped and offer free shipping when purchases reach a certain amount.

So this is definitely a platform to promote you can agree with me.

You can sign up for the NEWCHIC Affiliate Program or NEWCHIC Blogger Program and start making money right away.

5. Dresslily

Dresslily fashion affiliate shop

Consumers reach excitement orgasm only at the achievement of great deals. And what puts most consumers off is a seller’s incompetence.

This seems to be Dresslily’s watchword as they hit 8 million consumers from different corners of the world today.

Judging by numbers, Dresslily’s product sales are through the roof with over 300,000 orders of over 100,000 SKUs cleared every single month.

Dresslily targets men and women who are looking to create and leverage the fashion lifestyles of their dreams with clothing that is literally out of this world while keeping their spending in check.

However, Dresslily like Rosegal and Zaful partner with Firstgrabber to manage their affiliate program and you can register immediately, promote, and turn a social media traffic or your fashion blog traffic to a money-making machine.

Dresslily affiliate program pays up to 30% commission per sale. Meanwhile, Affiliates are empowered to sell more with:

  1. Dedicated group of marketers to support
  2. Widgets and advertisement banners
  3. Marketing nuggets through newsletters
  4. Videos and tutorials on affiliate marketing
  5. Mail alerts on flash sales and time-limited offers and deals on clothing’s
  6. Dedicated management dashboard to put you at the top of the game.

Join Dresslily Affiliate Program

6. Nordstrom

nordstrom best cloth affiliate programs

Have an audience plumped for Nike, Ted Baker London, Topshop, and Valentino?

Nordstrom is a nerd and you can promote classic outfits with high demands through them while earning more than $25/sale depending on your audience and referrals.

The fact that Nordstrom is the biggest player in the industry of classic fashion aside, consumers know and love Nordstrom on a personal level for their;

  1. Special rewards on sales
  2. Free shipping
  3. Same-day delivery

Join Nordstrom affiliate program now to introduce your audience to what they have been looking for in classic and styles when it comes to outfits for interviews, outings, and occasions.


asos affiliate program

ASOS is the biggest online independent Fashion and Beauty Retailer as far as I am concerned.

Based in the United Kingdom but offer international shipping and services. I shop from ASOS myself and I can tell you, their products are top class. You can find thousands of designer and affordable labels on the fashion website. ASOS also have their own label ranging from clothing to footwear.

They carry thousands of designer and affordable labels and have even created their own in house label due to the success of the company.

ASOS offers affiliate marketers the opportunity to earn a good commission referring new customers, however, they do not do this directly.

To join ASOS Affiliate Program, it must be through these major affiliate networks:

  • Skimlinks: Yes – Apply
  • Viglink: Yes – Apply
  • Rakuten Marketing (Linkshare): Yes – Apply

The program is filled with various opportunities based on country and offers a 30-day cookie window.

8. Pretty Green

Pretty Green is able to make the cut to my list of fashion affiliate programs because of the worldwide high sale on their two collections of music inspired outfits namely; green labels and black labels.

The green labels are a series of dresses continuously updated to meet up with musical trends before they get cold. While the black label features a collection of suits and classic wear.

Since 1950, Pretty Green has been dominating the industry and therefore being a part of their success would earn you passive income.

Once you join pretty green affiliate program, your fashion blog or fashion social media becomes a money-generating-machine that spills a minimum of 7% and a maximum of 30% commission of every purchase made by your referrals into your account.

And just like every other business serious with their affiliate marketing, Pretty green support their Affiliates effort via:

  1. Banners and ad links
  2. Promotional widgets
  3. Insiders marketing strategies to leverage conversion and revenue
  4. Push throughs and nuggets via a dedicated support team

9. FashionMia

Here’s my last pick of the biggest fashion affiliate programs out there today.

FashionMia covers everything fashion. Ranging from blazers, jumpsuits, hoodies, swimwear, accessories, jewelry, and lingerie, to just anything quality that goes with the lifestyle of their over 3 million consumers worldwide.

With fast delivery, quality products, discounted offers, and incentives, FashionMia has found its way up to the front seat, and hence it’s easier to sell stuff for them.

After you sign up for the FashionMia affiliate program, you’re accepted immediately and given all the support you need from the get-go to turn your blog traffic to a money machine on a monthly basis.

Why FashionMia really made the cut to my listing is because they pay on a PPC (Pay per click) system in lieu of most affiliate programs that you only earn when you drive a sale.

When a consumer gets to FashionMia through your authentic affiliate link and clicks on the “buy now” call to action button, you earn. When they make a purchase, you earn too.

Other Clothing Affiliate Programs worth looking into include;

  • Marks and Spencer

Those are the fashion affiliate programs you should join today to turn your fashion and fabric blog organic and paid traffic to money forever without looking back on the doorstep of a web guru.

Do you have an idea to share? Perhaps you miss something or you’d love to make an inquiry? Use the comment box to get me to talk to you on just anything to help you make more out of your blog.


Affiliate Disclosure: Please note we may earn some commission from links provided in this post. However, this commission does not affect the price of the product/service to any buyer that chooses to make a purchase.

Francis Nwokike

Francis Nwokike is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Total Entrepreneurs. A Social Entrepreneur and experienced Disaster Manager. He loves researching and discussing business trends and providing startups with valuable insights into running a profitable business. He created TTE to share ideas and tips to help entrepreneurs run and grow their businesses.