How To Write A Winning Business Proposal

Write a winning business proposal

A business proposal is a document usually sent by a company to a client (both B2B and B2C clients) that pitches a solution to the client’s problem. A good business proposal can win over the client and convince them to hire the company that wrote the proposal.

There are many types of business proposals such as solicited and unsolicited proposals, but they are all similar. In the end, what matters is that your proposal should be good enough to convince the client that your company provides the best solution.

Today, we are going to check out how to write a winning business proposal. It is a simple five-step process that will aid you in writing the best business proposal you can.

Steps for Writing a Winning Business Proposal

These are some simple steps and as long as you follow them to the letter, you will end up with a nice proposal.

  1. Create a Title Page

First things first, you need a good title page. This page needs to look good and also provide a bunch of critical information. This information includes the following:

  • Your name
  • The company’s name
  • The client’s name
  • Document submission date

Aside from this, you need to write a small introduction to your company. However, conciseness is key. You don’t want to clog the title page and make it difficult to make out the four items we listed before.

This title page is the first impression that you will make on the client. So, you need to be cordial and formal (i.e., professional). Don’t try to be fancy or different, simplicity is your friend here.

  1. Explain the Benefits With an Executive Summary

After the title, you will naturally have your table of contents. And right after that is your executive summary. This executive summary is quite significant. In fact, this summary itself could be the key to making your proposal a winning one.

Here is what you need to include in this summary.

  • Purpose of proposal submission
  • The benefits of your solutions for the client (i.e., why your approach is the best)

Before you dive into this matter, you could complete your introduction that you were not able to finish on the title page (to keep it clutter-free). When you are highlighting why your proposal is the best, you want to include the benefits of your company’s products and services for the client.

To create this executive summary, you can use a summary generator. A summary generator is a tool that can distill a large amount of textual information into a small amount. So, you can create a detailed document that includes all of that information and then summarize it with a summary generator.

This will create a smaller, more palatable, and more engaging executive summary that may just win you the client.

  1. Outline Your Solution to the Client’s Problem

After the executive summary, you want to start going into details. You want to lay down exactly how you will solve the client’s problems. To instill confidence in the client you should include the following details

  • Your company’s qualifications that relate to the problem
  • State the problem in your own words to show that you have understood the client’s issue.
  • Lay down your plan and solution in clear terms so that the client understands.

You should take care to show that your company is more than qualified to tackle the project. You can do that by showing them your track record and history of previous similar projects that you have done.

If your company requires some 3rd party help to complete the project then include details about that as well.

You aim to instill confidence in the client that you know what you are doing and are capable of doing it in the best possible way.

  1. Provide Details such as Deliverables and Estimated Costs

Now, you need to provide other project details such as the deliverables and milestones. Lay out a projected timeline for the handover of the deliverables and achievements of milestones.

Obviously, just a timeline is not enough. Your client also wants to know the cost, after all, they don’t have an unlimited budget. They want to do everything that is ultimately in their budget. So, you will have to provide estimated costs of everything.

In a winning proposal, you don’t just provide a single plan with one cost. You include different pricing packages each with their benefits and drawbacks. The added choice helps the client to make a decision and if you have a cheaper package that is in their budget, they will be more inclined to buy it.

  1. Conclude and Proofread

Once you have written the business proposal it is time to conclude your proposal. The conclusion should include a summary of everything you have covered in the proposal. It should not be as detailed as the executive summary though. It is best to recap your solution and its advantages and finish with a strong call to action.

The call to action should ask the client to either select your proposal or reach out to you if they want something changed or want to inquire about something specific. Include some contact information such as a phone number or email address that the client can use to reach out to your company.

Finally, proofread everything for mistakes and errors and edit if necessary.


This concludes our article on how to write a winning business proposal. The steps outlined in this article will help you to create a strong proposal that has a higher likelihood of convincing your clients.

Francis Nwokike

Francis Nwokike is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Total Entrepreneurs. A Social Entrepreneur and experienced Disaster Manager. He loves researching and discussing business trends and providing startups with valuable insights into running a profitable business. He created TTE to share ideas and tips to help entrepreneurs run and grow their businesses.