How To Incorporate Sustainability At Your Next Business Event

When you host a corporate gathering, it costs more than money and manpower. Typically, it burdens the planet, too. This not only is bad for the environment, but also it’s bad for your business reputation. Society increasingly values sustainability. That means there’s a good chance your attendees — from colleagues to clients — care about reducing waste, discouraging climate change, and caring for the earth. When you’re consuming excess energy, they notice.

With that in mind, here are a few tips for creating effective, productive, and yet sustainable business events that benefit everybody:

  1. Source sustainable food: When you’re planning the menu for your event, look for no-waste catering options in your area. Providers that think about food sustainability save you a step because they’re usually also looking to reduce the use of single-use plastic. Likewise, locally sourced food doesn’t just taste good; it also requires less travel and the associated carbon emissions to get to you.
  2. Embrace digital communication: It’s easier than ever to go paperless with your messaging — and reduce both paper waste and postage costs in the process. Save trees and help prevent deforestation by taking advantage of email, event apps, social media, websites, and other online communication tools.
  3. Choose eco-friendly venues: One of the fastest ways to make a gathering more sustainable is to hold it online. Even if you can’t go completely remote, however, you can look for a venue with sustainable practices and eco-friendly credentials. This goes a long way towards improving the amount of energy consumed and wasted created through your meetings.

For more information on designing events that reduce your environmental impact, take a look at the attached resource. In it, you’ll find a breakdown of practical, effective ways to move towards sustainability. From using biodegradable utensils to giving recyclable gifts, you can counteract climate change as a business when you plan greener gatherings.

Infographic created by FIRST

Francis Nwokike

Francis Nwokike is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Total Entrepreneurs. A Social Entrepreneur and experienced Disaster Manager. He loves researching and discussing business trends and providing startups with valuable insights into running a profitable business. He created TTE to share ideas and tips to help entrepreneurs run and grow their businesses.

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