Top 9 Effective Habits of Millionaires to Adopt Today

9 effective habits of millionaires to adopt

Everyone wants to be a millionaire but few of us are ready to take the steps towards being one.

To be a millionaire, we must not live the average lifestyle. We must step up our game. We must work smarter.

The easiest and smartest way to learn has always been to learn from achievers, those that has gone before us to make it.

Learning the millionaire’s lifestyle, mode of operation, time management skills, networking approach, understanding how they go for what they want, etc can help us achieve a fit as theirs.

The team from Beat The Market Analyzer shared an Infographic titled “9 Effective Habits of Millionaires To Adopt Now”.

The infographic gave insight into the lives of some very successful individuals.

1. Get up early

It has always been said that the early birds get the worm.

This could be said to be part of Richard Branson, Jack Dorsey, Tim Cook, Ursula Burns’s lifestyle. They wake up very early for an already scheduled routine lifestyle.

2. Do Exercise

Next in their schedule is basically what every human should always endevour to do, exercise. Only a healthy life can achieve wealth. You need to be healthy physically and mentally to have a productive day.

3. 15 Minutes of Thinking


Yes, you may answer but are your thought of critical reasoning?

Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company said, “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.”

This is another habit millionaires engage in; critical thinking.

The creator suggests that rich and successful people dedicate 15 to 30 minutes a day to distraction-free thinking.

4. Start Networking.

Are you an Island?

Do you believe you can achieve any fit you desire on your own?

That is not the lifestyle of successful people.

They love to network. Reaching out to goal-oriented and optimistic people with a positive outlook.

Through networking, innovative ideas are created according to the infographic.

5. Start Reading.

Many of the world’s most successful individuals are avid readers.

It is said that readers are leaders.

Many successful folks sharpen their skills by devoting 30 minutes to reading and self improvement daily.

Charlie Munger, Chairman of Berkshire Hathawy, says, “You would be amazed at how much Warren Buffet reads — at how much I read.”

Read positive and motivational materials.

6. Follow the 80/20 rule on saving money.

The 80/20 saving rule helps you manage money wisely. Also note that successful people never rely on a single source of income.

7. Find a Mentor

Do you have a mentor yet?


Go get yourself a mentor. A good mentor can spur you to success.

Successful people never joke with mentorship.

It was revealed that 70% of mentored businesses stay for at least 5 years or better according to a 2014 survey.

8. Define you Goals

Successful people have their goals well defined. You should state what your goals are then seek ways of achieving them.

9. Prepare Yourself for Risks

Are you ready for any eventuality?

Should you startup fail, do you categorize yourself as a failure?

Thomas Edison said “I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”.

So, you should keep pushing.

We just summarized the top 9 effective habits of millionaires to adopt now.

Becoming a millionaire is more possible today, than ever before.

Francis Nwokike

Francis Nwokike is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Total Entrepreneurs. A Social Entrepreneur and experienced Disaster Manager. He loves researching and discussing business trends and providing startups with valuable insights into running a profitable business. He created TTE to share ideas and tips to help entrepreneurs run and grow their businesses.