7 Tips for an Excellent Start in Property Investment

7 Tips for an Excellent Start in Property Investment


Every investment poses some kind of risk. You can never be absolutely sure that your investment will pay off. On the other hand, it doesn’t mean that every investment will fail either. The key is in understanding how to minimize, as well as mitigate, the investment risks.

As far as the real estate industry goes, these types of investments are much safer than their counterparts. The market is fairly stable and there isn’t as much volatility as with the stock market, for instance.

Still, real estate properties rely on the global economy, local markets and, of course, the consumer buying power, as well as their demand. Therefore, there are risks to be wary of, especially for those that are just starting out in the industry. With that in mind, here are a few tips for an excellent start in property investment.

Research your options

Property investment is a versatile area. There are a lot of options for you to consider before you make the decision regarding where, when and why to invest. The more research you conduct, the more informed and more strategic decisions you’ll be able to make. Here are a few examples of the choices that lay before you.

Which property to invest in?

  • Residential properties.
  • Commercial properties.
  • Industrial properties.
  • Vacant land.

What type of investment to opt for?

  • Buy or sell properties, also known as “flipping”.
  • Invest in renovations before the sale to inflate the price.
  • Rent out properties and enjoy the rental income, as well as tax deductions.

Always prepare a budget

Budgeting is vital when investing in real estate properties. As you may already know, properties on their own tend to be costly, let alone the ongoing expenses for renovations, repairs, maintenance and so on. Of course, no one carries such amounts of cash on them.

Therefore, it’s only logical that you’ll have to borrow from a bank. Needless to say, a bank will thoroughly research you and your credit history before they approve you for a loan. That said, if you have a bad credit score you may get denied for a loan or get charged with high-interest rate to the point where a loan isn’t favorable enough to borrow, in the first place.

Budgeting will help you out in such matters immensely. If you understand the prices and the costs you can create a solid budget for your investments. If you’re good at budgeting, you may not have to take a loan at all.

Diversify your investments

Ever heard of that saying: “Never put all of your eggs in the same basket”? The same can be applied to your property investments as diversification is one of the best ways to minimize investment risks.

Therefore, consider investing in properties located in an area with a lot of growth potential. Moreover, invest in different types of properties throughout various geographical locations. That way, even if one investment turns sour, you won’t have to lose everything on a single bet.

Get some help

Starting out in the property investment business is a major step forward and no one expects you to know everything right from the beginning. The key, however, is getting informed and educated on the subject so that you can elevate your performance.  For that purpose, it would be wise to consult with one of the expert property development companies. Any advice or tips you can get your hands on will help you out immensely in both the present and the future.

If you look in the right places and make sure that you’re only reading trusted and verified information, you can also find an abundance of helpful guides and services online to learn more about the ever-changing property investment market. RWinvest, for instance, an award-winning property investment company based in Liverpool, Manchester, and London, provide a variety of different content formats on the UK property market, from podcasts covering the best areas to videos and downloadable eBooks on things to consider when looking to invest in a long-term strategy.

Start small

When looking to invest in a property that will eventually yield a return on investment (ROI), you should always start small before you get some experience under your belt.

For example, invest in properties that are in high demand, such as rentals and livable residential properties, instead of purchasing luxurious properties with state-of-the-art interiors and exteriors.

Although luxury can be quite rewarding once it’s sold, the risk can by far outweigh the gains should something go astray. Therefore, think realistically about your goals and don’t overestimate yourself. After all, every career path is a process and you have to start somewhere.

Establish a network

As mentioned before, getting informed and well-educated is vital for your success. Leveraging expert advice is beneficial but there’s always more you can do that will help you familiarize yourself with the market, conditions, properties and anything else related to your investments.

That’s why creating your own network is of the utmost importance for an excellent start in property investment. Here are a few things you can do to establish a network of contacts.

  • Attend industry-relevant networking events.
  • Find a mentor or a partner.
  • Join relevant focus groups and forums.
  • Educate yourself by recreating topics, articles and other information from relevant sources online.
  • Get updated on the latest market trends regularly.

Have an exit strategy

Investments can go from bad to worse in a blink of an eye, especially if you’re not careful enough. However, things can go sideways even if you are, indeed, careful. That’s just part of the job. Therefore, it’s wise to have an exit strategy ready in case things don’t go as planned.

Such a strategy will help you either break even or steer the situation in the right direction so that you can actually make some profits. For instance, let’s take flipping properties for an example.

Purchasing properties and waiting for the market price to increase so that you can sell for a profit can take more time than you’ve expected. In such a case, your exit strategy would be to turn your property into a rental or to get your hands dirty and renovate to inflate the price regardless of the market stagnation.

An excellent start in property investment requires a lot of homework on your part. If you’re not adequately prepared for what lies ahead, you’ll most likely crash and burn sooner than you think. Therefore, educate yourself so that you can start making a name for yourself.

Francis Nwokike

Francis Nwokike is the Founder and Chief Editor of The Total Entrepreneurs. A Social Entrepreneur and experienced Disaster Manager. He loves researching and discussing business trends and providing startups with valuable insights into running a profitable business. He created TTE to share ideas and tips to help entrepreneurs run and grow their businesses.